Google SRE

Actionable Alerting for Site Reliability Engineers (class SRE implements DevOps)

SRE for Google Cloud DevOps Engineer

Getting Started with SRE - Stephen Thorne, Google

Dave Rensin, Google SRE Engineering Director - Next '18 Interview

Incident Management (class SRE implements DevOps)

DevOps Talks 2018, Melbourne. Jamie Wilkinson, Introduction to SRE at Google.

The SRE I aspire to be Yaniv Aknin (Google Cloud)

Ex-Google SRE's 3-Minute On-Call Response 🚀 ⚡️

Day in my life @Google London

DevOps Vs. SRE: Competing Standards or Friends? (Next '19 Rewind)

Life of an SRE | DeepSource

Beyond Seattle SRE Meetup: SRE Inside vs. Outside Google, Tales of Startup SRE: What I wish I knew

Postmortems and Retrospectives (class SRE implements DevOps)

How does Google manage the life of a request (from SRE book)?

Google SRE for Availability, Reliability, and Scalability (Cloud Next '18)

The Path to SRE

He Cracked @Google @Microsoft | Complete Devops & SRE Pro Roadmap 2024

Bigger Clouds, SRE, & more!

When Is SRE Right For You? - Stephen Thorne, Google

SRE Explained in 60 Seconds! | What Is Site Reliability Engineering?

20 Years of SRE: A Historical Perspective beyond Google

How do Devops and SRE relate? (Sponsored by Google Cloud) - Dave Rensin

SREcon17 Europe/Middle East/Africa - Tech Leadership in SRE

Google's SRE Team shares their Best Practices